Mahalu Massage Logo
Massage therapy logo created using photoshop and illustrator.
Typography Logo Design
Simplistic typography logo design that I designed for a client.
Performing Arts Collective Logo
Logo created for a close friend for her performing arts company. Turned out pretty good in my opinion, and she loves it.
New Optix Logo
Logo designed for an Optometrist that was looking for a refreshing make-over.
Only for Men Logo
Logo designed for a company that caters to men's personal and self care products.
Conner & Sons Business Logo
Another clever business logo designed for an up and coming local paint store.
The Mesquite Grill Business Logo
A smart Business logo designed for an up and coming local restaurant.
Pearlman’s Music Business Logo
Clever business logo for a local music store.
The Summit Logo
Simplistic Minimalistic business logo designed for a luxury condo complex.
Lady Hill’s Sweet Boutique Logo
A custom Logo I designed for a good friend and her catering business.
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