First of all, it would be an honor and a pleasure for me to use my life experience to impart some valuable knowledge that could impact millions of people. It would be an opportunity to be remembered for being inspirational, influential, and for having a sincere, beautiful spirit .
One moment please.
After a brief moment of reflection, there are three important points that my heart is leading me to present. These points are necessary life lessons that make this short life so much more meaningful, in my opinion. The first life lesson is to create as many amazing experiences as possible. The next life lesson is to always seek and crave wisdom. The last life lesson I have to present is to love everyone with an unconditional love. By doing these three things, I firmly believe that everything else will fall into place. Here’s how:
With life being so short and uncertain, it is imperative to make the most out of it. We only have one life to live, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to look back and wonder what should have, would have, or what could have… I have found that my way of making the most out of life is through creating and experiencing memorable and amazing adventures… not just for me and mine, but for others as well. At the end of my life, I want people to look back and think, “The world does not owe him anything because he took life by the steering wheel and rode it until the wheels fell off”. By creating these memorable experiences, I am not just focused on the experiences of just myself and my loved ones… if the least of what I have done has affected someone in a positive way, then that experience was absolutely worth it in the end. Joy was experienced. Someone’s prayers may have been answered. Life was just a little bit easier, if only for just that moment. Perhaps the most memorable moments are those in which you will experience your wildest dreams. Achieving your dreams takes a lot of courage, and your courage is developed and crafted during the pursuit of your dreams. Courage is the gasoline that helps to spark and achieve success. We have to understand that our dreams have no limits. We create our dreams whether they are big or small. When we exercise our courage to step out on faith, we are able to design a way to ultimately achieve the plans and accomplish whatever dream we desire. That is why it is of the utmost importance to fertilize, water, and nurture our youth’s hopes and dreams, and reinforce that they can achieve anything, just as long as they can perceive it, and conceive it. There will be bumps and hiccups along the way, but that’s why the next life lesson I am going to talk about is very important.
One thing I have learned in life is that you never get too old to learn something or be taught a lesson. Being able to be taught and listening to those with more insight than you have is the first step involved in seeking wisdom. Attaining wisdom is so important because it improves all aspects of your life, from the physical, to the emotional, to the mental, and to the financial. Making wise decisions forces you to examine your immediate needs in relation to the long term, while examining and stabilizing your needs and limits compared to others. A wise person will always ask questions, they will withhold judgement until they have enough proof, they will freely give the knowledge they have gained to anyone who seeks, they are open minded, and they will always learn from their mistakes. That’s why the bumps and hiccups along the way are important, because it only enhances the experience (though it may not seem like it at the time) and experience makes us wiser. The wiser you are, the least likely you are to fall into difficult situations and problems by making reckless and hasty decisions. Other people’s mistakes are lessons in which you can learn as well. There is a lesson to be learned in everything that you experience. It took me a while to realize, but I know I am wiser because I realize that: true happiness comes from within, anger can destroy you, to forgive is for YOUR peace of mind and to set YOU free, and to fail at something is far more better than having regret for not trying it.
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