It’s 2023! Happy New Year!
With a new year comes a new beginning… a fresh new start. It’s time to continue working on living your BEST life, whatever and however that may be, just as long as you are continuing to persevere. Before I continue, I want to give thanks to The Most High for keeping me… period, and for continuing to pour out the multitude of blessings in my life. I am truly blessed beyond measure. Life is amazing. Health is excellent. Family is equally blessed. Finances are lovely. Marriage is still everything that I have ever hoped and dreamed of. Thank you Heavenly Father! Why are you blessed?
This year, I plan to continue working towards making myself the best possible me. I plan on doing this by continuing to use my gym membership, striving to eat healthy, continuing to focus on my mental health and taking time to love me. This year, I want to put more time and effort into writing. For some reason, it has always come naturally to me my whole life, whether I wanted to be good at it or not. I am going to try to make a post at least once a week. Of course, I am going to continue sharing all of the wonderful memories and amazing photos from our annual trips. This year, we are going to ITALY and I am so EXCITED! If you can’t come with me, I want you to experience it through my eyes. If I can be an inspiration to just one person, then I will be happy. For the faithful few of you, you know who you are, THANK YOU for continuing to show your love! You are the second reason why I am doing this.
November 2022, the world’s population officially reached 8 Billion!
What I took away from 2022 is that I cannot control everything, and that is ok. I also can’t change everything, nor do I want to. I will leave the all-powerful business to The Most High, who does it perfectly. I am not perfect, and I am allowed to make mistakes. As long as I learn from my mistakes and flip that mistake into fortune, it was all worth it. Life is going to keep life’n whether you like it or not… and it is ok to have some not-so-great moments… I mean, we are human. The beautiful moments in life happen when you give from your heart, when you love with your whole heart. Whatever life throws at you, count it all joy! In everything that you do, keep your eyes on the prize, and that prize is LOVE!
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