Dear Younger Me,
There are so many things that I want you to know, and it is hard to even know where to start. So I will start by telling you that YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, and I love you FURIOUSLY. You are smart, charming, and will have a great sense of humor. Your personality is going to be one-of-a-kind and it is going to get you far in life. Do not ever change who you are inherently, because you are so loved and adored, and will be loved and adored just the way you are.
There are going to be times during your pre-teens and your teens when you are going to feel like giving up on life because of the teasing, the fighting, the name calling, and the bullying you are going to experience. Kids do and say hurtful things to be mean just because they can, and because they lack maturity and even self love perhaps. I want you to know that your suffering is only going to make you STRONGER.
I want you to slow down and learn to be patient. There is so much that The Most High has in store for you in the future. Enjoy being a kid. Enjoy being carefree. Enjoy having no responsibility. Enjoy being able to eat anything that you want without having to worry about weight gain. Enjoy having perfect health, because with age comes changes in health. There is no rush to grow up because you need to use this time to learn as much as you can in preparation for the challenges of adulthood and to make it rewarding.
Stop looking to others for validation and worth. Love who you are because that is enough. The Most High loves you even in all of your imperfections. That love has no conditions and nothing can change that love. Mom, Dad, Granny and Granddaddy love you almost equally. Soak in all of the knowledge that they are going to teach you. Nothing that they do is ever meant to hurt you or bring you down. Accept the punishments and the spankings and move on. Trust me, they make you into an even stronger and better man.
I want you love on Granny and Granddaddy as much as you can. Soak up every moment that you have with them. Talk to them and let them know that they are loved and adored. They are your prized champions and they love you more than anything. They will not be around forever, so cherish them. Hug and kiss mom and daddy too. Thank them for their many many sacrifices and let them know that you love them as often as you can. Everything that they do is for the love of you and your sisters. They do a lot for you. You will see for yourself. Just keep living life.
I want you to be humble and continue to be grateful for all that you have, and for all that you have been given. You have always been surrounded with blessings. You just need to realize their abundance. Be thankful for all of the family and friends who have your best interest at heart. Let them know that you love them and appreciate them. Treat others the way that you want to be treated. Remember never to receive more than you give. Give freely and without any expectations and you will be golden.
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