Trust is the assured reliance on the character, the ability, the strength, and the truth of something. It is the substance of where you place your confidence. All meaningful relationships are built upon the principle of trust. To be able to rely on another person because you feel safe with them, and have confidence that they will never hurt or violate you is a feeling like no other. It allows you to be totally exposed and open up to the person without having the need to constantly protect yourself. I can confidently say that there are 4 places where I know, without any doubt, that my trust can be placed and guarded securely.
The first, is with my Sisters. Not many siblings can say that they have solid relationships together, but I am happy to say it. There is no length that is too far that I would not travel for those girls. They would absolutely do it for me, and have done it… PLENTY of times. “Sis, can you do this”, Sis, do you have this”, “Bro, I need this”, “Bro, what do you think about this”… these are just a few of the situations in which we continue to have each other’s backs. It is through the rough weather that we have endured the storm and have been blessed to see the sunshine together. It is through those tough times that the trust only got stronger and deeper. The bond that we have is stronger than water, stronger than blood… It is one of unconditional love.
The second, is with my Mom and Dad. Where would I be if it wasn’t for their love, their nurturing, their sacrifices. They are the first people that I trusted, outside my mother’s womb. Lord I thank you for Your Love that lives in them, that they poured out on me. There were never any times that we didn’t have, or we had to go without. The wisdom and knowledge that they taught me is more valuable than gold. My problems, my concerns, my questions, my insecurities, my faults… they were all handled with tender loving care. They loved me and continue to love me through it all! I most certainly trust them with my life, because it is from them that I have life. I am so blessed to still have them here, in the physical, to call them my very first loves.
The third, is with my loving husband. This man chose me out of all the other people in the world, to spend the rest of his life with and I am Divinely Favored for it. There are no layers to peel off. There is only open honesty and no lies. There are very few arguments, because there are very few things that we do not agree. The times when we do not agree, we just agree to disagree and love on each other regardless. We honor and sustain each other. What I have, he has, and vice versa. I am beside him in all things in life, through sickness and health, poverty and wealth. We love each other and trust each other to be no other than ourselves. We love each other for what we know of each other, and we trust what we do not yet know. I respect his integrity and have unwavering faith in his abiding love for me, in all the years that life brings us.
The last, is with my Lord and Most High Savior. The very limits of my trust are deeply rooted in Him. He loved me enough to create me. He forgives… period! He has NEVER judged me, rejected me, condemned me, or led me in the wrong direction. He has answered all of my prayers. He is a Healer. Anytime I need to go to Him, I know that He will listen and pour out His grace and mercy as sufficiently and efficiently as only He can. He has never told any of my secrets, and He only wants the best for me. He loves me past my mind, beyond my body. He loves this soul that He created. Because He first loved me, I love Him and am enjoying His sustained favor. There is no greater love than The Most High’s unconditional love. Lord I thank you and trust you completely!
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